
Extendable garden tools for limited reach.


Gardening is a great recreational activity to get you or your kids digging in the dirt! However, this can be difficult with the limited reach that comes with FOP.  Extendable (telescoping) gardening tools can help you or your child reach further into the garden bed despite limited arm mobility.  There are many different brands of long-handled tools on the internet, and if you are able to spend a little time searching you may be able to find more brands than the three options posted here.


If you or someone you know is handy, consider building a raised flower bed to elevate the garden and make it even easier to reach into without having to bend over or get on the ground (it will also help keep the animals away from your vegetables!). Here is just one of the many tutorials on YouTube:

Check out this FOP community member’s garden on this fun tour he shared with us!
