
Pillow Pets are a fun and lovable stuffed animal which members of the FOP community have suggested make great positioning pillows.


Pillow Pets range in size but are usually 16 to 24 inches and can folded in half to make a pillow. The fold in the middle makes then ideal to fold around a wheelchair arm. Members of the FOP community report using them to support their arms and legs when in bed or their body in a wheelchair. The outside is ultra soft and feels comfortable next to the skin. While this is an untraditional positioning pillow, Pillow Pets are inexpensive, easy to find, and fun to collect. This could be the perfect option for a child needing support or any adult who wants to bring more fun into their day to day.

Where to purchase

Pillow Pets - Click Here
Amazon - Click Here
Amazon Barzil - Click Here
Amazon Canada - Click Here
Amazon Mexico - Click Here

See how FOP Community Member Joe uses pillow pets for support in his office chair