Training Toothbrushes


When your baby starts to develop teeth it is important to get them adjusted to having their teeth brushed right away.


As your baby’s teeth begin to emerge, they will be ready to start having their teeth brushed. There are numerous training and
transitional toothbrushes on the market for toddlers and young children and it can be overwhelming to choose. Simply put, the best
toothbrush is the one your infant or toddler tolerates. You can experiment with soft bristle toothbrushes, silicone toothbrushes, 3-
sided toothbrushes or even a U-shaped toothbrush, but whichever type of brush your child allows you to successfully clean their
teeth with is the best option.



Training toothbrushes that have an easy-to-grab handle and a safety guard to prevent inserting the brush too far is a smart feature
for infants and toddlers who like to grab at the toothbrush. Letting them hold the brush themselves and chew on it in between
brushings allows your child to learn and explore with their mouth while desensitizing it. Teething toothbrushes may also have a large bumpy silicone surface (usually integrated in the handle) that feels good on your child’s gums. No matter which option you choose for your baby or toddler, never leave any child with a toothbrush unattended.

Where to purchase

Amazon - 6 in 1 Set
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